Hello fellow bloggers my name is Zak and my talent is video games. For example I borrowed the game Uncharted 2 from my friend
Reshad and I beat it in9 hours because I was playing it non-stop literally. My favorite system to play is PlayStation 3 and if you ever wanna have a free for all match in Cod(call of duty:Modernwarfare 2) my psn is DeadlySniper23 but if your a noob tuber then dont get mad if I rage quite. So for all you gamers out there be ready cause I will get atleast a harrier or a care package.
Hi Zak,
Good job on this post. Can you extend it and explain how playing video games demonstrates your creativity? What do you do that is unique and different in them?
The pic is very good.
Make sure to spell check your posts and ensure to get rid of word verification in your comments.
Hello Zak!
Love the picture of you playing COD!
Who took it, your mother?
No claire my brother did :P
yess zak
Hi Zak,
You were wondering about tanks in World War 1, here is some information I found: http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/tanks_and_world_war_one.htm
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