Monday, November 29, 2010

Digital Foot print

Today our group has an assingment about digital foot prints given to us by our teacher. The people in my groupa are jatinder ,Tara and me, The links we used are Wikepedia Digital Footprint and we found an interesting game. A Digital Foot print is a trail of elctronics that have been used throughout your day. This topic is about how electronic devices can trace what you have used or how many times you have used them. This topic is important because they could trace every step you have walked and the police could record it and track you down if your a criminal or if you have been kidnapped,also it is important for surveys and companies and what appliances you use the most throughout your life time. One reason that digital foot print's are helpful is that if you get accused for something like a murder then your digital foot print would trace back to the day of the crime either with cameras or with websites and see if you are innocent.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Letters Of Remembrance

Dear,Mother Date:November6,1915

Me and the rest of the soldiers are stepping through the cold muddy trenches life over here is very miserable. I can still hear the soldiers chanting "Comehellorhighwater". So far half of canadas soldiers have been gundowned or terribly sick. I dont think I can do this anymore most of the soldiers are getting post traumatic stress disorder life here is horrible, I shall do this in order to make the next genarations live in peace. Every time I go to sleep I think of you kissing me goodnite and thats what makes me keep fighting. I hope that when this is over I can go back to you and never leave you and always be there for you,

P.S I love you
Yours,truly,Zakariya Kulane