For my country I'd like to have a middle class and Rich and maybe a few poor places.
The reason for that is my country has a high rate of employments so that everybody has the chance to get a decent job because my country isn't run on computers or technology so its more of an old fashioned place where you would have to work for things.
The life of a poor kid:My name is Danshir,I live in the poor region of Zakistan,I live with my mom dad and my two younger siblings,We live in a shack outside of the village and we can not afford school so one man in the village comes over and home schools all the children in the area,when schools over me and my family get ready for bed by laying our sheets on the floors and crowding together to keep our selfs warm from the cold nights,in the mornings my mother cooks us eggs and herbs for breakfast and the day goes on.
Zaks Epic Core
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Assignment# 23 Canada and China
Canada birth rate:10.28 people.
China birth rate:12.29/1000 people.
This means that Canada has less people in the country and the main reason for that is that china has been known as a country for thousands of years and Canada has just been developed as a country.
Canada population:34,130,589
China population: 1,336,718,015
China's population shows that it has the most people in any country. As I said before china has been developed thousands of years before Canada has so the population is more dense in china than it is in Canada
Canada medain age:41
China median age:35.5
The reason for that is because the healthcare in Canada is much more efficient then the one in china and theres more immediate responses to medical injury then in china.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Assignment #25: Zak's Childhood Top Ten+Bonus memory!
#1.My 1st child hood memory is Digimon a tv show about a bunch of kids who have monsters as pets buta the only thing difrents is they act like normal pets but they secretly have special powers and they evolve into super huge fighting monsters,this was special to me because me and my brother would pretend we were digimonsters and wreck the house.
#2.My second childhood memory was Lion king the movie,it was about a young lion who's father dies and his evil uncle trying to take over the kingdom by getting rid of the little cub,in the end Simba comes back and fights off the hyenas and his uncle and is hounered as the king of Pride Rock.
#3.My third childhood memory is BopIt,Its a toy that involves pulling,twisting and boping,Its kinda not special to me anymore because they made a new model and its much more difficult to deal with so I hate it now.
#4.My fourth childhood memory was Mr.Potato head,I really loved to switch Mr. and Mrs.Potato head body parts around especially when I put there ears where the eyes that I think about it I had a weird imagination.Also they had video games that came in cereal boxes.
#5.My favorite board game was hungry hungry hippos,when i first saw the commercial it was love at first sight because I would always sing the song that was in the commercial.Its not special to me anymore because I lost the board game on the school bus :'(.Hungry hippos comercial
#6.My fifth childhood memory was a book called ANIMALIA by Graeme Base,Its a book about animals being used as alphabets and the art in it is really cool.
#7.My sixth favorite memory is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom,Its special to me because its how I learned my alphabets instead of singing my abc's,Its kinda special to me because without it I wouldn't have learned my alphabets.
#8.My seventh favorite memory is Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle,I loved this book because its teaching how all the other fathers take care of there hatch-lings in different ways and the arts very cool.
#9.My eighth favorite memory was the book Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister,Its about a beautiful greedy rainbow fish that wont share his scales causing him to have no friends to fix his problem he turns to a wise octopus for advise.
#10.My ninth favorite memory was the movie Bartok The Magnificent,Its about a Russian bat that trys to make money by going around and performing magic shows with his trusty side kick Zozi the circus bear.
Bonus:.My all time favourite memory was when my dad would take us to a huge snow hill near rogers to go sleding and afterwards we would go out to eat at Mcdonalds!
#2.My second childhood memory was Lion king the movie,it was about a young lion who's father dies and his evil uncle trying to take over the kingdom by getting rid of the little cub,in the end Simba comes back and fights off the hyenas and his uncle and is hounered as the king of Pride Rock.
#3.My third childhood memory is BopIt,Its a toy that involves pulling,twisting and boping,Its kinda not special to me anymore because they made a new model and its much more difficult to deal with so I hate it now.
#4.My fourth childhood memory was Mr.Potato head,I really loved to switch Mr. and Mrs.Potato head body parts around especially when I put there ears where the eyes that I think about it I had a weird imagination.Also they had video games that came in cereal boxes.
#5.My favorite board game was hungry hungry hippos,when i first saw the commercial it was love at first sight because I would always sing the song that was in the commercial.Its not special to me anymore because I lost the board game on the school bus :'(.Hungry hippos comercial
#6.My fifth childhood memory was a book called ANIMALIA by Graeme Base,Its a book about animals being used as alphabets and the art in it is really cool.
#7.My sixth favorite memory is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom,Its special to me because its how I learned my alphabets instead of singing my abc's,Its kinda special to me because without it I wouldn't have learned my alphabets.
#8.My seventh favorite memory is Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle,I loved this book because its teaching how all the other fathers take care of there hatch-lings in different ways and the arts very cool.
#9.My eighth favorite memory was the book Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister,Its about a beautiful greedy rainbow fish that wont share his scales causing him to have no friends to fix his problem he turns to a wise octopus for advise.
#10.My ninth favorite memory was the movie Bartok The Magnificent,Its about a Russian bat that trys to make money by going around and performing magic shows with his trusty side kick Zozi the circus bear.
Bonus:.My all time favourite memory was when my dad would take us to a huge snow hill near rogers to go sleding and afterwards we would go out to eat at Mcdonalds!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Assignment #22 - Faces of the World

1.Globalization is a series of which the worlds economies,cultures and societies have been put through a global network that supports research changes in economies around the world.
Part B: I think that they analyze all the photos and try to match which ones look similar then with that information they would add all the other people and hope for a regular match.
Part C: I noticed that when u average up most of the faces 70% of the time it was a girl and why it was a girl is because most of the population in some country's are populated with females rather then males.
Part D: I tried to make a face of tomorrow that look liked me by adding a light shade of African and a dark shade of African and this is what I got
Part E: Well my face is more of a lighter shade and for some reason I don't really know why because both my parents have the same skin tone which is a little bit darker then mine,the only one's in my family who have a lighter skin tone is me and my two sisters.
Part C: I noticed that when u average up most of the faces 70% of the time it was a girl and why it was a girl is because most of the population in some country's are populated with females rather then males.
Part D: I tried to make a face of tomorrow that look liked me by adding a light shade of African and a dark shade of African and this is what I got
Part E: Well my face is more of a lighter shade and for some reason I don't really know why because both my parents have the same skin tone which is a little bit darker then mine,the only one's in my family who have a lighter skin tone is me and my two sisters.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
History Fair Reflection#21
4 -The four most interesting things that you learned about your topic in your researching.- D'Arcy McGee was killed because the irish community thought he was leaving behind Ireland
- He used to be a newspaper editor for the Boston Pilot and later on started his own newspaper called "New Era".
3 - Three things that you felt proud of on the day of the Fair.
-The speech that we performed-3-D model
-Our poster
2 - Two specific researching or presentation techniques that were helpful to make your project so wonderful.
- Be careful where you look for your information
-Always put the information in your own words
-Always put the information in your own words
1 - One suggestion to make the History Fair even better in the future.
-Get kids to vote for their favorite projects.Friday, March 11, 2011
Wave Discussion Question #6

Hello and welcome Wave readers (Breah, Kaitlin, Jess, Conner, Iksha, and Hayley), So far the book has gotten more serious and mournful.
The question I would like to ask is, How would you feel if you were Bethe finding your dad's body under a tarp near a Buddhist Temple?
The question I would like to ask is, How would you feel if you were Bethe finding your dad's body under a tarp near a Buddhist Temple?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Assignment #19 - If I Had $100

The Organization I would like to donate my $100 to Is Word Vision it is an organization that helps Family's and children around the world struggling with poverty and a poor economy and I think it would be a very good benefit for them because they have been through alot of tough times. The gift I have chosen to donate is a Goat. The reason that i think this is a good gift to give is because this goat would provide the family with fresh milk to drink everyday, also it could get pregnant meaning you would have a litter of goats that you could sell to merchants for alot of income. Goats can survive harsh climates meaning that it would live for along time providing 250L of milk each year that's alot of milk that would provide the family with lots of protein to survive the harsh conditions they are living in.
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